Tattoo Designs and Ideas

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Nowadays tattoos are so common to the younger generation that they prefer having tattoos on their body. Most of the younger generation has passion towards these tattoos and many school or college going students are really behind the growing demand of tattoo artists.

There are some of the great tattoo designs and ideas available on Internet and if you are interested to fill your life with tattoo excitement, you should first select a suitable tattoo idea that matches your personality. As every tattoo symbol has some meaning and explanation of the symbol should be understood before going for the tattoo.

There is more than thousands of tattoo design and ideas available to you and you could select the design best suits you as these design remain forever, you should take a wise decision while selecting the design keeping in mind the rest of your life.

There are some of the tattoo designs and ideas widely accepted by large people include the design such as butterfly tattoos or fairy tattoos. Butterfly designs are feminine design and best suits to women. These butterfly designs are more popular in almost all the countries around the world and most of the women go for these designs.

The next most popular designs of tattoos are tribal tattoos. These are also most popular among US residents. As a number of tattoo possibilities are there for tribal tattoos and accordingly these tribal tattoos are considered for wider varieties.

You may need a number of tattoo designs and ideas for picking a right idea suitable for you. You may sometimes need the help of designer to make a design of your choice. While selecting an offensive design, you must consider all future aspects and no body knows your selected design may come back and haunt you in the long run.

While selecting a tattoo design, you should also consider the size (length, width) and color of the tattoo. These patterns can make some of the tattoos more attractive than others. There it the right tattoo design and ideas that can match your personality and you should be careful while selecting color and size.

Good Luck Finding your Tattoo Design!

Tattoo Designs, Ideas and help Click here for more information!

Heart tattoos - The Best heart tattoos ever... Getting heart tattoos..?Check out thousands of high quality tattoo designs, styles and pictures online in over 40 hot tattoo categories and find your dream heart tattoo now! Just go to Wings heart tattoo designs - Getting heart tattoos..? Avoid these heart tatoo mistakes... Wings heart tattoos are very common these days, with nearly 1 in 4 people having at least one tattoo somewhere on the body. Wings heart tattoos represent an art form, and allow people to broadcast who they are. Even though they are popular, most people will end up regretting them. In most cases, those who regret their wings heart tattoos didnt think about their design or take the time to choose the best heart tatoo designs for them. Even though it is possible to get a tattoo removed, the process is expensive and quite painful. To prevent this from happening, you should always take some time and find the perfect wings heart tattoo for you. Instead of trying to save some money, you should never choose a studio or artist based on how cheap they are. Cheaper artists and studios normally lack in work quality, which is why they are able to charge cheaper prices. Instead, you should look for the best studio and artist that you can find in your local area. Even though it may be more expensive the quality of your wings heart tattoo designs will be well worth it. You can find a list of TRUSTED local tattoo parlours and studios along with 1000's of gorgeous heart ...

Tattoo Advice and Tips : A History of Tattoos & Body Art: What to Expect When Getting Tattooed

Learn tips on getting tattooed, including tattoo techniques, styles and types of designs and a history of tattooing in these free video clips. Expert: Rick Wyckoff Contact: Bio: Rick Wyckoff has been a tattoo artist for more than 16 years and has owned four tattoo shops...

nautical star tattoos being done names aswell

My tattoos being done by my friend. There are two designs, Stars down the back of my left arm and then my childrens names on my back.

Getting Tattoo Ideas Through Tattoo Sketches

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Needless to say, finding a tattoo that meets your needs isn't an easy one. Tattoos are a permanent and a life-long symbol of what you stand for, a crucial part of your life, your beliefs, your personality and your appearance. So it is extremely important that you choose the tattoo design that fits your needs, whatever they may be. Below are some ideas to help you decide which tattoo is right for you.

Make a list - Make a list of all the important things in your life. Write down any symbols that may signify who you really are. It is important to try to be unique as well. It really stinks if you go somewhere just to find someone has almost the exact same tattoo ideas as you. Try to think outside the box. Many people get tattoos of loved ones that they missed who have passed on. This is an ever-lasting symbol of devotion to people we miss. The key to this is brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm until you can narrow it down to just one idea.

Join a Tattoo Sketches and Tattoo Ideas website. There are websites available that have literally thousands of tattoo sketches and designs that you can print out and take to an artist. This allows you to browse through the comfort of your own home and not be in any sort of hurry to choose a tattoo. Its an important decision, it deserves some of your time. Tattoo Sketches websites are great because they are very affordable and a small price to pay for something you are going to be happy with the rest of your life. This is a highly suggested method of getting tattoo ideas when you are wanting originality.

Ask a friend to describe you. This is an interesting method, and kind of unnerving. What makes this so interesting is that other people see us differently that how we see ourselves. Our egos only let us see the part of us we want to see and nullifies all the rest. Through someone else's eyes you can get a unique look at how other people see you and how you appear to the outside world. This is not however for those who want to express to the outside world whats inside or to show some form of ego.

In the case where none of the above apply, and you want definite originality, use all three of the above methods to come up with something completely original that ultimately defines YOU. For example you could have a three-part tattoo symbolizing your inner self, the way people see you and the world around you. Using the art of a tattoo sketches website is a great way to conceptualize the many tattoo ideas you may have. No matter how you do it, its going to be original and tailored to you. However you come up with tattoo ideas remember that there is no single way to do it. Its your body, so make sure it reflects who you are or who you want to be.

To find Top Rated websites dealing in Tattoo Ideas and Tattoo Sketches visit us online at

Super Sexy Hearts, Stars, and Butterfly Tattoos - Cute and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls

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Are you contemplating getting your first tattoo or even getting another tattoo?  The world of female tattoos has exploded and there are tons of females out there looking for tattoo designs for girls.  Here are some of the top designs for girls and the hottest tattoos out there right now.

Heart Tattoos

Heart tattoos have been around for centuries.  The old sailors and servicemen of course would get hearts with a banner that would have their girlfriends or wifes name on them.  However, today many women are getting heart tattoos to show what they hold close.  It could be a loved one that has passed as a memorial tattoo or it could be a significant person in your life or someone you love.  There are also the sacred hearts, hearts with keys and so many other variations.  Even realistic hearts are growing in popularity among women.  Hearts essentially are a symbol of what you hold close and value the most in your life.  If you have something that you value deeply that you want to be reminded of the connection a heart tattoo might be the thing you are looking for.

Star Tattoo Designs

Stars have always fascinated humanity since the beginning of time.  They have also been a source of great tattoo designs for a long time.  Just like the heart tattoo sailors early on in the modern history of tattoo designs would get nautical stars.  These were meant to be symbols of a safe journey and returning home.  Sailors were using the stars to navigate their boats home by.  A star can be symbolic for many different signs.  It could be a shooting star symbolizing the need to live your life tot he fullest every day a sort of Carpe Diem.  Or it could be a nautical star pointing a direction in your life or a path of individuality.  There are so many different symbols and meaning that make star tattoos a huge fascination and a wonderful design.

Butterfly Tattoos

Butterflies of course go through the metamorphosis and chrysalis stage as they change from a worm into a butterfly.  Therefore butterfly tattoos are incredibly symbolic and meaningful.  They can easily symbolize change in your life or a major event that brought forth change.  However, they are also just plain beautiful designs.  The symmetry of the butterflies wings and the beauty of their coloration make them a great design choice for a very cute and feminine tattoo design for girls.

Why They Are Popular

The whole world of tattoo has really changed over the last 5 to 10 years.  As tattoos have become more socially acceptable for women the world of tattoo designs have changed to accommodate what women want.  The tattoo designs above work well for women since they are sexy, cute and feminine all at the same time.  They are often small and can fit in sexy places on a females body like the foot, wrist, back of the neck and even the lower back.  These smaller and cute tattoo designs for girls are typically less expensive and a great place to start getting into the world of tattoos.

If you are contemplating getting one of these cute tattoo designs for girls then you will definitely want to check out our huge website dedicated to Butterfly, Star And Heart Tattoos. For a ton of free tattoo galleries, design ideas and the symbolism behind many popular tattoos check out our hot tattoo design blog [].

Bamboo Tattoo Koh Samui Thailand 2009

Nick Andreou designed his own bamboo tattoo, whilst on holiday in Thailand, to adorn his shoulders! Bamboo King of Chaweng, Koh Samui used his natural talent and skill to create a master piece of tattoo body art.

Tattoo Designs and Ideas For Rib Tattoos

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Rib Tattoos can be a unique option to explore if you are looking on getting a body art. For one, it is not for everyone, you have to have the body and charisma to flaunt it. And most importantly, rib tattoos are considered by a lot of people as one of the most painful parts of the body to get tattooed, considering that it is close to the bones and there are lesser tissues to serve as padding to the skin while the needle is penetrating on it.

The rib cage is comparable to a big canvas to work on so its important that you choose a design that would compliment your whole body. Most women who had rib tattoos done on them choose floral designs starting from the hip area all the way up to the side of the breast. Cherry blossom tree tattoos are popular on the ribs of sexy women done in the colors of dark pink or red complete with leaves and twigs. While this can look really captivating, there are other flowers to prospect that would look really gorgeous as design for rib tattoos - stargazer lily, orchid and Hawaiian flowers like hibiscus and plumeria, to name a few. Groups of butterflies and stars tattooed with vibrant colors can also look astounding since they can be perfectly symmetrical to fit the rib area. Men usually opt for masculine designs like dragons, guardian angel, koi fish, snakes and birds. These are designs best executed if size is on the larger scale so the rib area is definitely a good placement for them. Other tattoo art worth rendering on this area are pinup girl, tribal art, dark arts and hard core designs.

Pain is one factor to consider if you are bending on this kind of tattoo theme. However, as they always say, pain is temporary and it's nothing you can't bear. Choosing a design is another part of the task that can be a challenge as there are literally hundreds of options to pick from. There are reliable tattoo galleries that you can find online with high quality tattoo art. Choose a design from them that you really adore and will be proud of for the rest of life so you won't have any problem showing it off.

Looking for that perfect design for your rib tattoos, check out our review of Tattoo Gallery Online

The Sexiest Female Tattoo Designs and Locations

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Hey girls are you looking for some sexy tattoo design? Maybe you are looking for something but just not willing to go with the tramp stamp I mean lower back tattoo? If that describes you then don't worry there are a ton of other very sexy places to get a tattoo and you don't have to follow the crowd and do what so many other women have done before you. Cute and sexy tattoo designs for females can be created, designs and tattooed easily.

Sexiest Places To Tattoo

Well the list of course is somewhat individual as everyone has their own impression of what sexy is of course. There is the infamous tramp stamp and for a long time it was very sexy. In fact it is still sexy to some degree but unfortunately it is a little over done now. Come on we are no longer in the '90's anymore. So for sexy places to get tattoos for women are.

Back of Neck - The nape of the neck or back of the neck is thought to be a very sexy area of the women's body and in many cultures a very sensual spot. Just think of the Geisha in Japan that used to use white makeup on their face and neck. However, they would leave streaks of skin showing through the back of the neck to be provocative. This sounds a little strange to us in today's culture and with current clothing trends. However there has always been something very sexy about the back of the neck.

Upper back - Of course very closely related to the back of the neck an upper back tattoo is also very sexy. It is a great location for a tattoo as it can easily be covered up with a regular tee shirt but revealed whenever one so desires. Also it provides a pretty big canvas so the tattoo can be intricate and very beautiful.

Hips - Well do I really need to say more about this area? The hips have been thought of as very sexy places for centuries. The hips are much more modern then the lower back tattoo and it is just as sexy. You can choose to get something small on both hips or just one tattoo on one side either way you end up with a sexy tattoo design.

Ankles - A women's ankles are a very sexy part of the body also and can only accentuate a beautiful pair of shoes and feet. Ankle tattoo have been around for a long time but are still a very current trend and look very hot!

Wrist - This is a popular place to get a tattoo also. Especially for women who love to wear bracelets a wrist tattoo can be a wonderful addition. One word of warning though it can be difficult to cover up if that matter for you professionally.

Thigh - The thigh is another very sexy place. It is very easy to cover up and most of the time can be covered up with pretty average clothing sizes. Thus the secret of a thigh tattoo means there is a certain amount of intimacy before a person reveals their thigh tattoo and of course being let in on a secret like that is sexy in itself.

Side - Another very popular tattoo that can also look very sexy and is very easy to cover up when she needs to is a side tattoo. Women frequently get a saying going up their sides but you could also do a cherry blossom tree, a dragon or whatever you want that is long and rectangular.

As you can see it is pretty easy to come up with a very sexy tattoo. After identifying the location for the tattoo you will need to find a sexy tattoo design [] to go along with it. Once you have the location on the body and the tattoo design you are set to get your sexy tattoo. Check out this link for more on Sexy, Feminine and Cute Tattoos for Females []

Tattoo Design Ideas

Thanks to the global reach of the internet it has become easier than ever to gain access to a massive variety of designs and body artwork through using a tattoo finder. Many tattoo galleries for professional tattoo artists utilize the benefits offered by the internet to showcase their designs. It is just amazing to see the tremendous number of incredible tattoo designs found at these sites.

As previously mentioned, it is possible to gain access to these tattoo designs, though you may be required to pay a small fee. However, when you compare what the cost of your time and effort is worth sorting through hundreds or even thousands of low quality free designs the fee becomes insignificant. It is far better to access thousands of quality designs in a single location rather than endure the tedium of searching site after site.

You may be fortunate enough to locate a tattoo finder site that is free apart from charges for the individual stencil and design. If you find an image that is appealing or that you like, you can pay the fee and print out the stencil and even the finished design. Then all you have to do is take it to your tattoo artist and they should be able to ink it onto you quite easily.
Of course, tattoos are totally about individuality and you should look to modify the design in some way to make it your own. Of course your chosen tattoo artist will also be able to help you figure out a way to individualize the design. They are among the most creative and artistic of people.

Indeed, a tattoo finder is a truly simple and easy way to find your ideal tattoo design without wasting a lot of time; you simply have to become a member of a professionals tattoo gallery before you can have fast and convenient access to this tool. There is no easier way than using a tattoo finder to help you in your search for an outstanding and excellent design for tattoos.

Finding a superb tattoo design is not as easy as you might think, and sorting through endless free websites can waste a lot of time and effort as many of the free sites have exactly the same designs.

The worst mistake to make is settling on a tattoo design simply because you became sick of looking or you could not find the right design so you picked an image that was just okay. "Close enough" is not a term that should be used when choosing the tattoo design that you want inked into your skin, this is a permanent image and will be part of you forever.

If you become tired or frustrated from searching because you are unable to locate any quality designs or the best tattoo design for you, there is some good news. The search for outstanding tattoo designs cam be made easier, and this is possible thanks to a helpful tool known as a "Tattoo Finder". This tool can help you find a quality design that is right for you. You can access this type of image locating tool by joining some tattoo galleries that are for professional tattoo artists or through some paid tattoo websites.

Japanese Dragon Tattoo Designs and Meaning

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The Japanese Dragon Tattoo is a very beautiful and colorful tattoo design and very symbolic, with its origins in myths and folklore. It is also very mystical, adding to the appeal of the Japanese dragon tattoo. Over the ages, from Egyptian times the dragon has represented good and also represented evil. However, the attraction of the Japanese dragon, apart from its stunning beauty is that it represents good luck and the source of wealth. The Japanese dragon also represents the meaning of freedom and being fearless, both very attractive qualities.

In the Greek language, dragon is sourced from draca, which means serpent.

Like the angel, the Japanese Dragon also has the meaning of guardianship, providing a protective force over those it was associated with. Other meanings associated with the Japanese dragon is strength and power. In Japanese culture the dragon is associated with supernatural powers, and amazing wisdom.

There are six forms of the Japanese Dragon. They are:

Sui-Riu is the king Dragon and is in control of the rain. Therefore in this day and age of drought he is all powerful!

Han-Riu has many stripes on his body and is up to forty feet in length. One of the biggest dragons.

Ri-Riu dragon is a rare breed that is not well understood. However, it is known that they have amazing eye sight.

Ka-Riu is a brilliant red color, and a petite dragon in comparison with the others.

Fuku-Riu is a favorite dragon of many people as it is the dragon of luck.

Hai-Riyo is known as the dragon bird, and the most advanced form of dragon. It evolved out of Chinese mythology.

The colors of the dragons have special significance, which are based on their parents. For example a dragon with a black color means their parents are very old and wise. Green dragons are smaller than average, but are representative of life and of the earth. Gold colored dragons are special because they have many special attributes such as wisdom, kindness and the ability to face challenges head on.

Yellow dragons represent the east. They are great companions when you need a hand, but can be self absorbed at times. Blue dragons are from the west. They are forgiving and compassionate, but on the negative side can be lazy and uncaring when it suits them.

Finding the right Japanese Tattoo Design for you can be quite daunting. Check out all the free sites on the net to get as many ideas as you can. Just remember that many other people have done the same thing to get ideas. For example, last month, over 41,000 people searched for dragon tattoo designs on Yahoo. Apparently, roughly 8 times that amount check out Google for the same search term. Then there is MSN and the other search engines. So a huge amount of people see the same free designs as you. If you want original Japanese Dragon tattoo designs, it is recommended that you check out books or other sources of tattoo designs that are not freely available. I have checked out three Japanese dragon tattoo galleries on the internet that have from 3,500 to 6000 different designs, so you will have no trouble finding what you want.

I have reviewed the best Japanese Dragon tattoo galleries on the net today at
If you are after the best Japanese Dragon tattoo galleries around check out the review and grab a Free Tattoo Designs Ebook.
Good luck in your search for your ultimate tattoo.
Graeme Wheeler

Fish Tattoo Designs - Making the Right Catch!

There are a lot of different fish to consider in fish tattoo designs, based mainly upon your reason for getting one in the first place. Their popularity is varied, though not as varied as your reasoning. Be sure to do your research to pick the perfect fish tattoo.

The most popular reason to get a fish tattoo would be because you are of the astrological sign Pisces, or born in between February and March twentieth. The symbol of Pisces is a fish, and to identify themselves as such, a person might get tattoo of a fish.

Also, tattoos of koi fish are increasingly popular among the young, hip demographic. Koi are Japanese fish and getting them as a part of "sleeves" - or tattoos that cover the entire arm - was popularized during the surge in the popularity of Japanese artists. Koi are also easily translated into tattoo form, looking superb when tattooed realistically or cartoon-style. Koi are found in nature in many stunning colors, which is another reason their for their popularity in art and body art.

Another popular fish to adorn your skin with is the beta fish. These fish are notoriously aggressive, held up as fighters. Those who identify as one with a fighting spirit may want to get a beta fish tattooed. These fish have beautiful colors and fan-like fins, adding to their tattoo popularity. A realistic beta fish tattooed by a skilled artist would be stunning.

Also, tattoos of sharks can be done beautifully. Whether someone chooses to get a tattoo of a shark as some sort of symbolism or because they are fans of them, shark tattoos are uncommon, though striking.

The beta, the shark, and the next popular fish, the piranha, all identify the wearer of such a tattoo as either a fan of the fish or someone who is expressing their fighting heart with such symbolically "fighter" fish. Tattoos of the Amazon's carnivorous piranha are popular and beautiful.

Of course, the Christian fish is also very prevalent. People of Christian faith may want to display their devotion to their beliefs with the one-lined, clean, simple tattoo associated with Christianity.

Whatever your reason for perusing fish tattoo design, it's important to know exactly what you want, choose a great artist, a perfect design, and your preferred place for the new ink. It's important to choose the pose, color, and style of your preferred fish and take the time to communicate with your chosen tattoo artist about what you want. Good luck with your fish tattoo!

Find more fish tattoo designs and ideas by visiting Tattoo Designs - Where I review an awesome choice for tattoo designs.

Tattoos For Women - Top Foot Tattoo Designs

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Foot tattoo designs are a great option for someone looking to get a tattoo or add to their tattoo collection. They are often small, less expensive and they are very easy to cover up. So they make a great tattoo. However, deciding what to get for your foot tattoo design can be difficult. This article will help you identify some ways to locate wonderful foot tattoo designs and also potential areas to watch out for if you are considering getting a foot tattoo.

Locating Designs

Locating the right design for you tattoo can often led people to a lot of frustration. It is common to hear people sigh with exasperation and throw their arms up in the air (well can't "hear" that one but you get the picture) and state they are giving up. They have the ideal tattoo design in their mind and they are looking everywhere for the last six months to try and find the design and they just don't see it anywhere. This is so common and I see people asking for help online out of pure frustration. So in order to put this type of pain and suffering or frustration to an end here is some advice. First of all don't look for the exact tattoo you have in your mind. You probably will never find it. It is not out there and that is a good thing. It means you have thought of something original and unique which will make your tattoo that much better. So instead use the following resources to help you locate research materials to aide the tattoo artist. Then express what you are looking for and turn over your samples to the tattoo artist and let them do their job!


The internet has both paid for sites that have high quality designs then then free photo galleries of tattoos people have already gotten. These both work very well to find sources and ideas for your design. Do not search for free tattoo designs as you will only get back a lot of junk. Instead either pay for a membership site or look at the free gallery sites where people post their own pictures of tattoos they have.

Tattoo Shop

This is the best place to go and a huge help. Make sure you find a shop where you can talk easily with the artists and find people that will listen to your ideas. If the artists in the shop are snotty or rude in anyway just thank them for their time and walk out.


Another location to find tattoo designs that people don't often think about is the local bookstore. You can look through tattoo design books, art books in general, tattoo magazines or even general books that fit in with the theme you are wanting to get. For example if you want a Lord Of The Rings tattoo then you can look for art from that movie in a book and it doesn't necessarily have to be a tattoo oriented book. Just find photographs, artwork and pictures of things you like that are close to what you want.

Potential Downsides

There are some potential downsides to getting a foot tattoo. First of all the foot can be a pretty painful area to get tattoos done. They foot is always moving and often under a sock and shoe and there is a lot of friction and rubbing in the area. Thus the actual time spent getting the tattooing and the healing process can be more painful then with some other tattoo designs. This should not stop you from getting a foot tattoo but if it is your first tattoo you might want to get a small tattoo done somewhere else that is less painful to test our the experience first.

Finding great looking tattoos for women is easy. It helps to follow the above sources and ideas to make your search for foot tattoo designs easier but in the end just relax and enjoy the process. Tattoos should not be something that you rush just to have one or get it done. Instead enjoy the process and spend your time carefully planning and researching the foot tattoo design.

One of the best places to start is to locate a great Tattoo Design Site. Even though it might cost a bit of money you are sure to get access to a ton of hot looking foot tattoo designs that will really help your research time. Also you can check out this free blog about Tattoos For Women []

Tips for Embellishing Henna Tattoo Designs : Using a Stencil for Henna Art Glitter Design

Learn how to use a stencil to make henna embellished art with expert henna design tips in this free arts and crafts video clip. Expert: Paula Broussard Bio: Paula Broussard has been a professional henna tattoo artist for 15 years in Los Angeles. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

1000's of Tattoo Photos Tatoo designs Tribal Dragons Angel Butterfly Photos of Tattoos Download Pictures and Bring to your tattoo artist! tattoo tattoos tatoo tatoos tribal tatoo tatoo pictures tatoo art tatoo design tatoo pics tatoo designs tatoo ideas tatoo tatoo flash tatoo gallery butterfly tatoo star tatoo tatoo...

Tribal Cross Tattoos

Looking for tribal cross tattoo ideas? go to... Tons of printable cross tattoo designs, the best tribal tattoos and and other cross tattoo galleries...

Foot tattoo

Me Tamara getting my right foot tattooed on August3rd 2009. This is my first tattoo, and yes it did hurt bad for me to get. And yes the tattoo is done in a house its done in a friends house, I know the guy who is doing my tattoo though a friend, and hes been tattooing for a long time, and everything was clean and everything came out of packaging and everything was brand new. It did hurt for me to get the tattoo, but I would do it again and I am because my body reacted bad to the A&D ointment I used. So my tattoo is now kind of grayish black instead of dark black. Also while getting the tattoo again I will be getting my other foot done. When ever you get a tattoo make sure you know the tattoo artist is a good tattoo artist. And make sure everything is clean. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU ARE OF LEGAL AGE OR HAVE YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION Thanks for watching Peace and Love!!

Sexy Tattoos and some Random Tattoos

Some interesting tattoos you may like. Curtesy of: Song Turisas - One More Buy High Quality Cheap Tattoo Designs:

miami ink s03e02 part 1

Miami Ink is a reality show on TLC that follows the events that take place at a tattoo shop in Miami Beach, Florida. The show premiered in July 2005 and is currently broadcasting its fourth and final season [1]. The show led to several spin-offs, including the shows LA Ink and London Ink which are also broadcast on TLC

Vagina tattoo

Click here: To look at more tattoo designs... look at Tribal Tattoos, Dragon Tattoos, Cross Tattoos, Star Tattoos, Lower Back Tattoos, Butterfly Tattoos, Celtic Tattoos, Fish Tattoos, Egyptian Tattoos, Gothic Tattoos, Armband Tattoos, Rose tattoo and more.

Tattoo Ideas

A very small selection of the free tattoos available at If Your looking for free tattoo designs, free tattoo flash or tattoo ideas visit the website.

Tattoo Designs of Chinese Zodiac Signs - Choose The Right Zodiac Tattoo Design

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The chinese culture has infused into the western region in the past years, gaining increasing popularity. It is evident in the art arena that many westerners adorn asian arts and culture. One instance is the tattoo industry which has shown an escalating of tattoo lovers inking chinese astrology and zodiac tattoo designs onto their body part.

In Chinese astrology, the zodiac of twelve animal represents twelve different types of characteristics. The Chinese zodiac begins with the rat as the leader of the twelve heavenly animals and the cycle repeats itself every twelve years.

There are myths and stories on how these animals are selected to represent the zodiac cycle. One popular saying among the commoners is that the Jade emperor, ruler of the heaven, has instructed twelve animals to pay him a respect and the first animal to turn up is the rat. The heavenly animals in the Chinese zodiac starts with Rat, follows by Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. In the lunar year of 2008, the cycle repeats with the year of the rat.

Rat (Year - 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

2008 is your year if you are borne in the year of Rat. You will have no lack of friends. Your charming, charismatic and eloquent personality makes you a social person with great popularity among friends and colleagues. In terms of work and responsibility, you are meticulous, industrious and disciplined.

However, one can become manipulative, dictatorial, selfish and scheming.

Ox (Year - 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

In the eastern, Ox takes on a positive connotation of being hardworking because it helps in ploughing land for farmers. Borne in the year of Ox, you are someone who can be depended upon. You are calm, patient, steady and modest. However, there may be times of obstinance, narrow-mindedness and rigidity in personality.

Tiger (Year - 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Tiger is seen as a ferocious animal which dominates almost any regions they reside. Their presence is a threat and brings fear to other animals in the vicinity. People born in the year of tiger are powerful, passionate, daring and generous. On the darker side, you can be reckless, quick tempered, impatient

and obstinate.

Rabbit (Year - 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Rabbit is almost a harmless animal which exudes lovable and gentle nature. As a "rabbit", you tend to exude graciousness, elegance and compassion in your mannerism and behaviourism. In terms of taking risk, you are quite risk adverse for you can be cautious and reserved. Do exercise self-discipline as you may fall prey under self-indulgence and laziness.

Dragon (Year - 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Dragon is a mystical creature of supremacy in the east and west. As someone born in the year of dragon, you are a strong, proud, passionate and loyal person. You can be decisive in making important decisions. COming to work, you tend to be ambitious, zealous and fiery. If you do not exercise self wary and control, you may be seen as being tyrannical, demanding and overbearing.

Snake (Year - 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

People born in the year of snake is likely to be a deep thinker, shrewd, prudent, cautious and responsible person. You will always have a purpose in carrying out something. You can also be a creative and sensual person. As you tend to be a loner, you may be poor in communication, distrustful and self-doubting.

Horse (Year - 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

If you are borne in the year of horse, you tend to be a cheerful, popular and quick witted character among your friends. You are adaptable, flexible and open-minded. You can be talkative, rude, stubborn and fickle-minded at times.

Sheep (Year - 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Sheep is a mild-mannered and shy animal with little security. Being a "sheep", you are seen as a righteous and sincere friend. Your shy and artistic nature makes you an extremely creative person. You are a gentle and compassionate being as you are always on a constant seek for peace and security. Be careful of being ruled by emotion. You tend to be a worrier and pessimist.

Monkey (Year - 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

The animal which takes after human being and it is believed that human is evolved from apes. Born in the year of monkey, you tend to be both inventive and innovative. You are inquisitive, flexible, objective and intellectual. Others look up to you as a motivator and problem solver. However, you can be egotistical, selfish and cunning.

Rooster (Year - 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

People born in the year of rooster may take after some of the rooster's traits of alertness, neatness and meticulous. You tend to be an organised, practical, zealous and responsible. You will always strive for perfection in any tasks you undertake. However, you can be over zealous, critical and opinionated.

Dog (Year - 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Dog has always been human's loyal and understanding partner for centuries. Born in the year of dog, you can be a honest, intelligent, loyal and straightforward person. Due to your sociable, unpretentious, amiable and affectionate personality, you are very popular among friends. However, be wary of being too cynical, judgmental and quarrelsome.

Pig (Year - 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

The last animal of the Chinese zodiac is the pig. Born in the year of pig, your honesty, simplicity, patience and peace loving nature makes you a sincere, calm and understanding person. You are also an upright, intelligent and scrupulous person. Over-reliance, materialistic and self-indulgence are the darker side of your personality which you should be wary of.

Get the tattoo design of your zodiac heavenly animal that describes your personality, brings luck and health, visit for more chinese zodiac tattoo designs selection now.

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Hawaiian Tattoo Designs - Cool Tattoo Ideas

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Aloha! Hawaiian tattoo designs and body arts have a long history of more than a thousand years. But, it wasn't until the 1990's and when celebrities started bearing them, only then these tattoo designs started coming back into fads.

In the Hawaiian culture, getting a tattoo is looked upon as a very important ritual. It was such an important part of their life to the extent that the Hawaiians even pray to a tattoo god each time someone in the community gets a tattoo.

And not so much for fashion purpose or simply to look cool, Hawaiians only get tattoo for a few purposes:

- Mourning For A Loved One - For remembrance of a love one lost

- Talisman For Protection - To protect and ward off evil spirits or enemy

- Personal Identifications - Identify themselves as a community or group

Therefore, most Hawaiian tattoos have a certain meaning or significance behind it.

Comparing to their neighbors from other islands within the Polynesian chain like Maori and Samoan, Hawaiian tattoo designs tend to be larger and bolder in size and colours. Few common Hawaiian tattoo designs are:

- Arrows

- Flowers

- Dolphins

- Lizards (Hawaiians have great respect for lizards)

- Sea Turtle

Besides these traditional tattoo art works, there are the much "cooler" Hawaiian band tattoo designs. The Hawaiian band tattoo design is very popular amongst tattoo lovers today because of the "modern" yet traditional look that it has.

If you want to look for unique and exclusive Hawaiian tattoo art works, go check out my blogs on the hottest and most talked about tattoo galleries online from the link below!

Want To Learn More Before You Get Yourself A Tattoo Designs Online? Check Out My Blog On Tattoo Designs Ideas And Tattoo ArtWorks

Pretty Tattoo Designs

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Are you looking for really pretty tattoo designs?

Tattoos beautifully lend themselves to pretty symbolic pictures and patterns.

As a discerning person and prospective tattooist client you'll want to be aware of all the many different designs that are available to you.

If you're lucky enough to live in a town or city with its own tattoo parlour you may already have had the chance to browse through hundreds of different pretty tattoo designs that are available.

But not everybody lives that close to a tattooist and not every tattoo parlour has an up to date gallery to choose from either.

You're best bet is to go on an online tattoo gallery on the Internet.

If you go on any online tattoo gallery that offers flashes (pictures of tattoo designs) for free, then you're obviously not going to get anything very special.

Maybe you want advice as to which sort of tattoo lends itself to the following positions on your body:



Back of the neck


Around the belly button

Lower back

If its pretty tattoo designs you're after you at least need a choice from the following:





Dream Catchers





Praying hands



Names written in Calligraphy





To name a few!

With so much to consider your best bet is to go to a reputable tattoo gallery online (& there are hundreds on the web) where you can browse & choose at your leisure.

The best ones I've found have a regularly updated database with literally thousands of award-winning designs to choose from.

Once you've chosen the design that's right for you, just click on it, it'll then enlarge so that you can print it out and take it to your tattoo artist.

The best online sites even provide tattoo parlour locators, they're just that helpful!

I wish you all the best in finding the pretty tattoo designs that are right for you.

To save you searching the web I've discovered the best award-winning online tattoo galleries around. Just go to my site at [] to check them out.

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good ol old








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Stars Tattoo Sexy

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